Waldron Strategies teamed up with a range of climate organizations to pass the Climate Solutions Now Act, landmark omnibus legislation designed to mitigate and prevent the most damaging effects of climate change.
A Campaign to Promote Health Insurance Enrollment
Sharing Lifesaving Information about Crisis Support Services
New Funding to Improve Public Transit
We partnered with the Save Maryland Transit Coalition to pass major legislation committing significant new state funds to maintain and improve our public transportation system.
Advertising Support for People Dealing with COVID Emergencies
Fighting for Essential Workers
We spearheaded a wide-ranging communications strategy for 1199SEIU, including digital ads, social media, grassroots outreach and earned media, to pass the Maryland Essential Workers’ Protection Act.
Advocating for Transit Funding
Partnering with the Save Maryland Transit Coalition, we developed an integrated public relations campaign using social media, digital and print advertising, a microsite, op-eds, letters to the editor and earned media to keep up a steady drumbeat of pressure on legislators. The result was the successful passage of the Maryland Transit Safety and Investment Act, which will significantly improve public transportation over the next decade.